Classical Guitar Insider

"Hey man! You play flamingo guitar right? Like the mexican stuff? Wanna play when I marry my sister this weekend? Wait, you don't like Obama right?" Stop being stupid, and learn about flamenco guitar from America's top Flamenco Expert/Performer Dennis Koster on this episode of Classical Guitar Insider with me, Burp Williams. 

Direct download: Episode_8_Dennis_Koster.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Hail to the Chief! New York Classical Guitar Society President John "How You Like Me Now" Olson joins Bret to talk science and guitar, because that's all Bret ever wants to talk about. Because he's so smart. 

Direct download: Episode_7_John_Olson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm EST